

Since ENCORE courses are digital-by-design, the partners will also implement an open recognition process, to certify the skills that will be acquired by the students. The picture above represents the process described.

Visit here the ENCORE Open Recognition Platform (for both Creators and Learners)

Guidelines for assessing the Quality of Repositories of OER

This document is the project result number 3.2 and contains all the steps followed to realise the automatic method. The method for the indirect evaluation could be used to automatically evaluate a large quantity of OERs; the manual method, for the direct evaluation, could be used to precisely ….  MORE

Methodological note – Unwrapping green, digital and entrepreneurial (GDE) skills

This document is the project result number 2.1. and it presents the work done for listing the green, digital, and entrepreneurial (GDE) skills and knowledge. We decided to start the project with a task able to guide the scope of the rest of the project: defining the most important GDE skills….  MORE

E4E and E4L enablers, documentation and software plug-in

This document is the project result n. 4.1 and presents the progress made in creating the Enabler for Educators and subsequently the Enabler for Learners, both integrating the accumulated developments from WP2 and WP3. The Enabler for Educators serves as an advanced learning design tool that seamlessly interfaces with the ENCORE database. This tool empowers educators to access Open Educational Resources (OERs) aligned with Green, Digital and Entrepreneurial (GDE) skills. Educators can assign resources to specific learning activities and structure these activities into coherent learning paths, delineated in a four-step process, namely: discover, collect, plan, and execute ….  MORE

Searchable open Database containing OER and GDE skills and Methodological Note

This document is the project result n. 3.1 and aims to develop and populate a database of quality open educational resources (OER) linked to green, digital, and entrepreneurial (GDE) skills. This methodological note provides a detailed report on the conceptualisation, development, and population process of the ENCORE database….  MORE

Report on the skills to suggest to ESCO

This document is the project result n. 2.2 and presents the description of task T2.3 “Skills2ESCO”, as well as the methodological steps and the results obtained. The aim of this task is to find Green, Digital and Entrepreneurial (GDE) skills that can be incorporated into the….  MORE

The ENCORE approach

This document is the project result n. 5.1 and combines AI-driven tools to retrieve relevant Open Educational Resources in order to improve teaching and learning. Through these means, it main goal is to guide educators in  ….  MORE

ENCORE Business Model Canvas

This document is the project result n. 4.2 and provides a comprehensive overview of the ENCORE Business Model Canvas (BMC), a strategic initiative designed to revolutionise the educational landscape by enhancing the delivery of pertinent skills and education….  MORE